What is Witchcraft? How the Spirit of Magic Lives in the Everyday

What is witchcraft? This question has been asked for centuries and has sparked curiosity, fear, and fascination. Many people misunderstand it and consider it evil. However, its meaning is much deeper than that. In this article, I’ll discuss the difference between popular types of witchcraft( black, green, neo, white, eclectic, wiccan, and more). There’s so…

The Best Herbs for Protection Magic You Already Have

Many witches, pagans, Wiccans, and spiritual practitioners use herbs for protection in their spells and ritual magic. Protection herbs can cleanse, banish evil energy, and serve as a barrier to prevent negative intentions from entering your sacred space. In this article, I’ll discuss the best herbs to use for protection that are also easy to…

Green Witchcraft For Beginners: Candle Spells and Natural Magic

Green witchcraft is a natural-based spiritual practice that draws power from the earth, wild herbs, and the magic elements. In this article I’ll explain more in-depth about green witches, their meaning, what they practice, how to include it in your daily life, book recommendations, and a candle spell to capture Nature’s blessings. It will be especially helpful…

Bye-Bye Bad Vibes: Energize Your Magic with A Banishing Spell

A banishing spell removes someone or something from your life. Many witches and spiritual practitioners prefer working with the waning moon or doing a candle ritual. In this article, I’ll discuss what a banishing spell is, different banishment methods, how to dispose of banishment spells, and much more! Please note that I make every effort…

Is a Binding Spell Right for You? Magic for Protection and Love

A Binding Spell is a powerful way to protect yourself or to strengthen the loving bond between you and your romantic partner(s). In this post, you’ll learn how Binding Spells work, how to break one, and the history behind these ancient magic rituals. Please note that I make every effort to ensure this information is…

What are Vibrations in Witchcraft

How To Raise Your Vibration: Energize Your Witchcraft

Let’s be honest for a moment, shall we? Learning how to raise your vibration can be controversial because many witches feel like the conversation is dominated by a bunch of love and light BS. That’s not what I’ll be talking about in this article. Okay, maybe a little because there are some valid points. Most…

The Magic of Money Sigils Attract Unlimited Abundance

The Magic of Money Sigils: Attract Unlimited Abundance

Money sigil magic is an effective technique to attract abundance and prosperity into your life. A money sigil can help you achieve your financial goals and expand your opportunities with witchcraft. Understanding the meaning behind magical symbols will help you learn how to make your own! Tap into an unlimited source of wealth! Please note that I make every effort to…

The Power Of Self Love Spells Boost Your Confidence 1

The Power Of Self-Love Spells: Boost Your Confidence

A self-love spell allows you to care for yourself using everyday ingredients such as herbs, honey, flowers, water, jars, and candles. By performing a self-love spell, you’re giving yourself intentional and magical self-care. With a bit of witchcraft, you can deeply connect with yourself to build a strong and transformative sense of self-love. This article will…