Hag Stone Meaning and Magic – Everything You Need To Know
The meaning of the hag stone revolves around its use for protection. It was a powerful stone in many ancient cultures. In fact, many pagans, witches, and spiritual practitioners still use it today!
These stones, with holes shaped by water, hold a special place in spiritual beliefs. They are simple yet effective tools for connecting with spiritual realms and protecting ourselves from negativity. I’ll talk about their history and how they can be used in your spiritual practice!
Table of Contents
What is a Hag Stone?
Over time, water erosion creates hag stones by carving holes into the otherwise solid rock, giving them unique and peculiar characteristics.
People often find them along ocean beaches or in rivers and streams. Hag stones have long been used in folk magic and are highly coveted due to the rarity of finding one.
They have an abundance of power and energy obtained from Nature. Due to years of exposure, an enormous amount of their magic is rooted in the elements Water and Earth.
Hag Stone Alternative Names
Depending on the location or culture, people may know a Hag Stone by an alternative name, such as:
- Adder Stones
- Fairy Stones
- Hex Stones
- Holey Stones
- Witch Stones
- Serpent Eggs
- Odin Stones
- Glain Neidr
- Maen Magi
In common magic, seemingly mundane objects, such as stones, plants, and animals, were believed to possess power [in European Folk Magic]. Scholarly and religious traditions found in, for example, lapidaries (books listing the virtues of stones for magic and medicine) and bestiaries (collections of moralizing stories about animals) had also entered oral cultures.
A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and The Occult
Hag Stone Spiritual Meaning
People associate a hag stone’s spiritual meaning with protection, healing, and knowledge. They often use them in protective spells, wear them as necklaces, or keep them in handbags and pockets as good luck charms.
Some believe the hag stone’s spiritual meaning represents ancestral wisdom and is connected to the energy of their insight and guidance.
Many different spiritual meanings are associated with the hag stone throughout Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. They were believed to be objects of protection from hags, witches, and evil spirits.
People often placed them outside a house, at the base of a chimney, on door frames, and windowsills as protectors. They believed the hag was particularly vulnerable when flying through chimneys or windows. People also believed it could defend against disease, misfortune, the plague, and the dead.
Are Hag Stones Good Luck?
Finding a hag stone is excellent luck and is said to bring good fortune to the owner!
The hag stone is believed to be extremely lucky if found during Samhain (October 31st) and would work well for manifestation, prosperity intentions, or placed near your home for protection.
Some people believe you don’t find hag stones; instead, they decide when to be seen and seek you out.
Hag Stones History and Folklore
Hag stones have been taken very seriously throughout history and are surrounded by various lore, legends, and myths. Let’s explore a few of them!
As discussed above, hag stones were often used for protection against witches and evil spirits. Some folklores claimed hags were responsible for sickness, horse theft, tragedy, and death. A hag stone was believed to have enough strength to protect against their magical powers.
There are also claims that if you looked at a witch through the hole in the hag stone, her powers would be crippled. A hag stone would protect you from nightmares if placed above your bed.
Some hag stones were even placed inside the walls of homes as they were constructed to protect the house and the family living inside it. Years later, they were uncovered during home remodeling projects.
Spiritual Realms and Fae
Many folklores claim that peering through the hole will enable you to glimpse spirits from another realm. Some believe this must be done during a full moon, while others think you can see them anytime.
Other myths state that a hag stone hole will reveal the Fae or other elementals, allowing you to connect with their magic and spiritual energy.
Some legends and lore claim hag stones can bind and keep different types of Fae in your service for an extended time. This is why hag stones are sometimes referred to as fairy stones.
Some claim the hag stone’s spiritual intentions originated with the Druids, who believed they contained powerful spiritual energy and healing characteristics.
The Druids called hag stones Maen Magi, Glain Neidr, or snake stones. They’re also sometimes referred to as adder stones (like the venomous snakes found in Wales).
The Glain Neidr, or Maen Magi, of Wales, was supposed to possess many virtues.
Its origin as a stone of mystery was attributed to the following cause: In the spring, and especially on May Eve, a large number of snakes were accustomed to meet in many secluded parts of the Principality. The creatures apparently formed a congress, which generally ended in snake warfare.
After a fierce battle, in which the snakes writhed and hissed fearfully, the spot where the assembly took place was covered with froth. In the midst would be found the Maen Magi, or Glain Neidr, or snake-stone.
Folk-lore and folke stories of Wales
Snakes were held in high regard, and because a snake sheds its skin every year, the Druids viewed them as a sign of humanity’s renewal and transformation. The Druids kept a variety of beautiful snakes on the altar of Augury, using them for divination work and making legal decisions based on the snake’s movements.
Druids also believed the hag stone had healing abilities and divination powers, and if you carried one, you’d always be victorious against your enemies.
Good luck
Only good intentions are believed to be able to flow through a hag stone hole. So, while good luck and positive intentions travel through a hagstone, negativity and bad intentions will become trapped.
Hag stones are believed to increase fertility and are often used in related rituals. They’re often included during childbirth to ensure the safety of the mother and child.
Odin Stones
The hag stone is sometimes referred to as Odin stones which many believe is honoring the Stones of Stenness located in Orkney Island, Scotland. One of the stones was called the Odin Stone because it contained an enormous hole within it. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in 1814.
But although the monolith had stood resolutely for millennia, the Odin Stone’s destruction took less than a day.
In 1814, the man who leased the land on which the stones stood – an incomer by the name of Captain W. Mackay – waged an attack on the Stenness megaliths.
At the time, the Odin Stone, and the circles of Stenness and Brodgar, still played a major part in common Orcadian tradition. Because of this, large number of people visited the ancient sites regularly. According to Mackay, this was ruining his land., so he set out to tear down the stones.
He began with the Odin Stone, which he destroyed in December, 1814, allegedly using the stone fragments to construct a byre.
Orkneyjar – The Odin Stone
It is interesting that hag stones have been called Odin Stones, which brings to mind Odin’s sacrifices to obtain the knowledge and wisdom of the Elder Futhark Norse Runes.
Farmers often placed hag stones on the window sills of buildings or hanging from barn doorways. They sometimes referred to these as hex stones or hag stones.
This folklore was rooted in the belief that witches would “ride the hedge” at night. A hedgewitch works between the spirit realm and the physical world through trance or an altered state of consciousness.
Farmers feared witches and believed they would harm their livestock. It was thought hag stones would protect against witches from flying through windows and passing between worlds.
Sailors and Fishermen
Sailors and fishers also believed witches cursed them if their boats were damaged or they didn’t produce a good catch for the entire day.
Witches were said to obtain powers that allowed them to control the wind. The only way to thwart attacks was to keep or attach hag stones to their ships or boats.
How to Use a Hag Stone
Many modern pagans, witches, and other practitioners use hag stones in their spirituality. Here are a few ways you can, too!
- Protection when worn around the neck or carried with you at all times
- Incorporate into any element magic or ritual work
- Connection with the spiritual realm or with ancestors who have passed on
- Keep negative energy away by suspending it above a window in your home
- Healing emotional wounds or while doing shadow work
- Meditate with a hag stone to get messages from spirits or your ancestors.
- Cleanse your hag stones by placing them next to your Moon Water during a full moon
- Place hag stone on your altar or just outside your home for protection
- Keep above your bed to prevent nightmares or bad dreams
- Use in fertility rituals (hag stones are often placed above the bed, wrapped on bed posts, on a bedside table, beneath your mattress, or under a pillow)
- Working with the Fae
- Place next to candles during candle magic rituals
- When trying to recover from an illness
- Use hag stones in spells or intentions to eliminate barriers
- Tie to the doorknob of your front door for protection from those who would do you harm (similar to witch bells)
- Astral travel
- Keep one with you during a spiritual awakening to help ease any discomfort
- Use to decorate for the Pagan holiday of your choice
- Don’t limit yourself to only wearing it as a necklace! You can wear it as a bracelet, on your belt, or even in your pocket.
- Keep with you during childbirth for protection and safety
- Use in cleansing rituals
- Tie to your Grimoire or Wiccan Book of Shadows
Hag Stones for Sale
Some people believe you shouldn’t buy a hag stone and must find it yourself. Many others often give them as gifts since they are considered to bring good luck and prosperity.
This choice, of course, is entirely up to you, my peculiar friend!
If you choose to buy a hag stone, try to purchase from a seller you believe collected them with good intentions. I’d recommend purchasing on Etsy, and here are a few of my favorite places.
I hope you found this hag stone post helpful! Sending you so much love and remember as always…
Trevelyan, Marie. Folk-lore and folk-stories of Wales. London, E. Stock 1909