Samhain 2024 Meaning, Celtic Blessings and Halloween Traditions
As the days continue to grow shorter, Samhain 2024 welcomes the cool embrace of Autumn’s longer nights and leaves behind warm summer days. This Celtic holiday has powerful spiritual meaning. It honors the cycles of life and death and invites us to embrace the mystery of shadows and the darkness from the veil that grows thin.
Samhain is considered the origin of modern Halloween traditions. Many witches, pagans, and spiritual practitioners celebrate with rituals of blessing, protection, and connection with the Otherworld. I’ll tell you about this ancient festival in this article and give some Samhain celebration ideas.
Many Pagans, Witches, and those interested in Nature Spirituality celebrate the seasonal cycles. Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year, it consists of eight celebrations. Four of these festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain) are rooted in Celtic history and origins.
The other four (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice) represent the sun’s location. I created a complete guide to each season, including history, traditions, symbols, correspondences, ritual ideas, and how you can celebrate.
Please note that I make every effort to ensure this information is correct and accurate through my own experiences and referencing sources throughout AND at the bottom of this article.
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Table of Contents
How to Say Samhain
Samhain is pronounced SOW-en, but is sometimes pronounced Sah-Win. Some believe it means “summer’s end,” while others debate it means “fire of peace.”
For the Celts, who lived during the Iron Age in what is now Ireland, Scotland, the U.K. and other parts of Northern Europe, Samhain (meaning literally, in modern Irish, “summer’s end”) marked the end of summer and kicked off the Celtic new year.
Time – What Is Samhain? What to Know About the Ancient Pagan Festival That Came Before Halloween
When is Samhain 2024?
Samhain is a fire festival celebration that marks the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox (Mabon) and the Winter Solstice (Yule). Samhain is celebrated from sundown on October 31st to sundown on November 1st (or May 1st in the Southern Hemisphere).
Ancient Celtic people believed a new day began once the sun set. This is why Samhain celebrations start at dusk. However, some spiritual practitioners choose to honor Samhain at the precise astrological midpoint between the equinox and solstice.
There’s also some historical evidence suggesting ancient people may have celebrated a three-day Samhain festival under the new moon closest to the Autumn Equinox.
The Gauls marked the year into just two havles, the dark or winter half being Sam or Samonios, the light half Gam or its Latinized form, Gamonios.
….Samonios, the dark half of the year, was reckoned first in the Celtic calendar. The festival marking the beginning of Samonios was Samhuinn (Samhain), a three-day feast celebrated on the new moon closest to the autumnal equinox.
The Book of Celtic Myths
What is Samhain?
Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and is believed to be the time when the veil between this world and the Otherworld is thinnest.
This Pagan holiday is considered one of the two most important fire festivals celebrated by ancient Celtic people (the other being Beltane). Samhain represents the ending of the light half of the year and the beginning of the dark half.
Today, it’s often called the Witches’ New Year. Caesar described this in detail when writing about the Gallic Wars:
All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis, and say that this tradition has been handed down by the Druids.
For that reason they compute the divisions of every season, not by the number of days, but of nights; they keep birthdays and the beginnings of months and years in such an order that the day follows the night.
C. Julius Caesar (translated to English)
Samhain Spiritual Meaning
Samhain is a sacred moment when the boundaries between worlds blur, and we can easily hear the whispers from the Otherworld. Witches and pagans celebrate by lighting fires, leaving offerings, performing rituals, or setting up altars.
We honor the cycles of life and death and connect with passed loved ones and ancestors, not in sorrow but in celebration. We remember their lives and recognize that death is not an end but a passage.
The long nights ahead allow Nature to withdraw and rest. Samhain reminds us to embrace the darkness and face our shadows. Those parts of us need healing, acceptance, or releasing what no longer serves us.
Samhain Traditions and History
Let’s examine Samhain traditions and their evolution over time. These practices give us an interesting perspective on how this festival has been honored and adapted by different cultures over time.
Fire Rituals
Hearth fires in family houses were left to burn out while the crops were harvested during this time of year. After the harvest was collected, everyone would gather with local Druid priests and priestesses to ignite a shared fire using a wheel that would scrape and spark a fire.
The fire wheel symbolized the sun, and eventually, everyone would return home with a flame from the town’s bonfire to light their home’s hearth.
Samhain was also a time for divination about the future and planning for the coming year. Samhain festivities typically included bonfires, parade-like processions through town in animal skins or costumes as symbolic sacrifices to the deities of the Otherworld, and feasting on foods laid out on Samhain altars.
The bonfires were not the only fire rituals associated with Samhain. A popular ritual called “lating the witches” involved a solemn candlelit procession, the purpose of which was the discovery of dark magic.
If a candle flickered or died out during the procession, it meant that the person carrying it was a certain victim of witches, and special precautions would be taken to protect him or her.
The Book of Celtic Myths
Slaughtering Livestock
Not only does Samhain mark an end to harvesting crops for winter storage, but it was also traditionally a time used by early peoples to cull their herds. Farmers would bring their livestock down from summer grazing pastures in the hills and slaughter some animals to feed themselves through the long winter months ahead.
Driving cattle between two fires to protect them from disease or evil spirits lurking among the smoke of the bonfires was a popular Samhain tradition during this time.
Transition To Winter
Samhain is deeply rooted in nature’s cyclical rhythms, but it reminds us of practical or mundane protections as well. As the temperatures outside dropped, communities faced the challenge of surviving the freezing cold Winter months again.
Samhain became associated with death due to the slaughter of animals and because Samhain marked the beginning of Winter and the end of the summer season. As a result, Samhain became associated with ghosts, spirits, certain types of Fae, black magic, communing with the dead, and feasts.
The Corn Spirit
Note: Remember, ancient Celtic people had never heard of the Native American maize corn we know today. When thinking of a corn dolly, imagine a grain dolly.
At the end of each harvest season, the Celtic people didn’t harvest a limited amount of grain. They believed that if all the plants were harvested, the Corn Spirit would be displaced and drift away, unable to find its way back.
The leftover grain would be crafted to look like a man, woman, or significant spiritual symbol. Since the corn dolly symbolized the spirit of the Corn, it was often included in important ceremonies and celebrations. Come Spring, the corn dolly would be ceremonially burned before planting any new crops for the year.
Why is The Veil Thin During Samhain?
Ancient Celtic people believed that on Samhain, the doorway to the Otherworld was open, and Fae (Sídhe-folk), or spirits of dead ancestors, could walk among the living. During this time, Fae Folk would reveal themselves to humans.
For this reason, they prepared meals for their departed kin and placed lit candles in their windows to guide them home. They would also make offerings of milk and bread around places known as Sidhe mounds; this was sometimes called a fairy tax.
Note: Not all witches and pagans believe the veil thins during Samhain. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether to include this in your spiritual practice.
To the Welsh, the Otherworld was Annwn, also a land of youth and plenty.
…The door to Annwn may of course be an allusion to the feast of Samhain, the solar feast day on which the doorway to the underworld was believed to lay open. The name Annwn means “deep” or “under earth.”
…Annwn came to be called Avalon, the name by which the Otherwold is most commonly known today. The name Avalon is believed to derive from the Welsh Ynys Afallach, “Isle of Apples,” a reference to the abundant fruit of the Otherworld.
The Book of Celtic Myths
Samhain Correspondences
Every year at Samhain, Pagans, and witchcraft practitioners commune with ancestor spirits, celebrate the harvest, honor deities, and decorate altars with symbols and correspondences.
They may create a sacred space outdoors or within their home by lighting candles in every room and placing them in circles around themselves. Fresh herbs are usually used for extra potency. Here are some Samhain correspondences to help you celebrate Samhain 2024!
Samhain Spiritual Intentions
Samhain Food
Remember, any local seasonal food in your area is perfect for a Samhain celebration and can vary for every spiritual practitioner!
As Nature changes, so does our food. By including these ingredients in your Samhain meal, you’ll align yourself with the earth’s natural rhythms while also honoring them. Additional ideas include spiced cake, gourds, squash, nuts, seeds, corn, or fermented foods.
If you’re looking for a recipe idea, I highly recommend this article by The Wondersmith, A Ritual for Celebrating Halloween or Samhain Alone, Plus Sumac Sweet Potato Snacks.
The apple is a symbol of immortality. A branch of the apple which bore budes, flowers and fully-ripened fruit (sometimes known as the Silver Bough), was a kind of magical charm which enabled its possessor to enter into the land of the Gods, the Underworld, in Celtic mythology.
In the old English ballad, Thomays the Rymour (Thomas the Rhymer), the Fairy Queen warns Thomas against eating any of the apples and pears which hung in her garden, for to eat the food of the dead ensures there will be no return to the world of the living.
Scott Cunningham – Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Samhain Colors
- Black
- Deep Purple
- Silver / Grey
- Orange
- Gold
- Dark Red
Samhain Symbols
Animal Symbolism
The swan was revered by the earliest Celts, as far back as the Urnfield and Hallstatt cultures (circa 800 BCE – 500 BCE). Although they are creatures of water, swans were, oddly, connected with the sun, sometimes even appearing as bearers of the chariot of the sun god.
…Many of the later Celtic Gods appear in tales as swans or with the ability to change into swans. The ability seems closely connected with women, although in some stories male gods have the same power, invariably with a female of the same ability.
As seen in the tale of Aenghus, both the god and his magical lover have the ability to transform into swans during the festival of Samhain.
The Book of Celtic Myths
Crystals, Metals and Stones
- Moonstone
- Amethyst
- Carnelian
- Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- Bloodstone
- Silver
- Iron
- Onyx
Incense, Candles, and Scents
- Cinnamon
- Nutmeg
- Cloves
- Honey
- Pine
- Star Anise
- Sage
- Pumpkin
Samhain Rituals and How to Celebrate
Samhain is a time to communicate with the spirits of loved ones who have passed. It’s also a chance to connect with ancestors or deities and work with them during this important holiday. Here are some ritual and celebration ideas to help get you started!
How to celebrate Samhain video
Samhain Celebration Ideas and Inspiration including a pumpkin sacrifice ritual
Dumb Supper Ritual
This Samhain ritual is often called a “dumb” supper (a synonym for silent or mute). The dinner is held in silence to respect the spirits and give them a chance to communicate.
Begin with an empty place setting for those you would like to honor. You can include a picture of them, decorate with things or trinkets they love, or cook their favorite meal or food.
Since the veil is thin now, you can help guide them to your table by placing candles in the windows (typically black or white ones). All electronics are put away. You can also write messages to the spirits and release them by burning the paper in a candle flame.
Personally, I enjoy telling stories about my loved ones to help keep their memories alive. I especially enjoy stories that make us laugh and remember how lucky we are to have known them. I also decorate my table and altar with their photos. Feel free to celebrate however you like!
Baking and Soul Cakes
Nothing makes me feel more festive than baking in my kitchen and filling my home with delicious smells! Anything pumpkin or apple-related, like bread, cookies, or pies, is perfect.
I think it’s important to mention Soul Cakes because I often hear new practitioners asking about them, and you can see how going door-to-door for treats emerged from this practice.
On All Souls’ Eve, underprivileged people would go door to door, promising to recite prayers for the family’s deceased loved ones. In exchange, they would often be given a Soul Cake.
By the ninth century, Christianity had spread into Celtic lands, where it gradually blended with and supplanted older pagan rites. In 1000 A.D. the church designated November 2 as All Souls’ Day, a time for honoring the dead. Celebrations in England resembled Celtic commemorations of Samhain, complete with bonfires and masquerades.
Poor people would visit the houses of wealthier families and receive pastries called soul cakes in exchange for a promise to pray for the souls of the homeowners’ dead relatives. Known as “souling,” the practice was later taken up by children, who would go from door to door asking for gifts such as food, money, and ale. – Halloween Trick or Treating Origins
I don’t make Soul Cakes, mainly because it’s likely Christianity had already immersed itself into the Celtic culture by the time Soul Cakes were given out. I’m always trying to find ways to deconstruct, evaluate, and remove any Southern European mythology (aka Christianity) beliefs from my practice. But to each their own!
Feel free to bake them if they resonate with you! Check out this recipe for Soul Cakes for an Old-Fashioned All Hallows Eve.
Samhain Journal Prompts
Pay attention to your dreams during the season of Samhain. Keep a dream journal section in your Grimoire or Wiccan Book of Shadows. Explore the messages and symbolism and messages that appear in your subconscious mind.
Here are some journal prompt ideas to help you connect with the season of Samhain!
Fire Festival Bonfire
Samhain is a fire festival. Historically, large bonfires were lit to ward off evil spirits or bad luck for the coming year. The ashes were usually spread out into farmers’ fields to guarantee a bountiful crop for the following year.
A bonfire goes back to the days of the Druids when the surrounding villagers doused their hearth fires and then lit them from a flame carried from the Samhain fire.
While modern power companies have made this tradition moot, the bonfire still aligns with those old rites. Try having a formal ceremony where you light a candle from the fire that you then bring into your house.
You may also want to practice scrying by gazing at the bottom of the flames, observing what visions flash within your mind.
Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween by Diana Rajchel
Carve Jack O’ Lanterns
This is mostly just my excuse to binge on roasted pumpkin seeds. LOL! Carving pumpkins with friends and loved ones is fun, and Jack O’ Lanterns also help protect your home from harmful spirits.
Jack-o-lanterns were initially carved potatoes or turnips filled with coal. They would place them in windows or doorways to frighten and scare away evil spirits.
Draw or design your pumpkins with sigils, bind runes, symbols, or spiritual meanings you’re drawn to, like sacred geometry or the pentagram.
Divination Work
Divination work is deeply connected to Samhain due to the thinning of the veil. Pay attention to any animals you encounter, especially ones you wouldn’t usually see.
So, if you’re seeking answers to your questions or reflecting on your life path, here are some divination ideas to help get you started.
I highly recommend you check out my YouTube video series about the basics of Candle Magic for beginners. It also includes a video on Candle Divination with flame, smoke, and wax!
Samhain Ancestor Candle Ritual
Here’s a simple Samhain candle ritual to connect with the energy of this season while also honoring your ancestors and passed loved ones.
Gather Supplies Needed
- Any colored candle you’d like to represent the spirit of the season
- Photos or mementos of your ancestors.
- A small dish or candleholder
- Incense or herbs associated with Samhain or communication (rosemary, garden sage, cedar, garlic, cinnamon, etc.)
- Matches or a lighter
Prepare and Cleanse Your Sacred Space
Set up your sacred space by arranging the photos or mementos of your ancestors in a circle or semicircle around the candle holder. Place the incense or herbs nearby.
Burn your herbs or cleansing method of choice to remove any negative energy or unwanted spirits. Allow the smoke to purify the area to create a calm and sacred atmosphere.
Center Yourself
Sit quietly and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Focus on your intention for the ritual: connecting with your ancestors and seeking their guidance and wisdom.
Raise your vibration in the method of your choice to connect with the energy you want to work with.
Light The Candle
Light the candle you chose to represent the spirit of the season. As you do so, say the following words:
Drawn to wisdom, the question I bring
In shadows deep, I take my wing
With magic’s sway and spirits’ say
I seek the truth on Samhain’s day.”
Amanda Brethauer – The Peculiar Brunette
Invoke Your Ancestors
Gaze at the candle flame and visualize it as a gateway between the physical and spiritual world. Imagine the veil between the living and the deceased growing thinner with each passing moment. Call upon your ancestors by saying:
Ancestors of blood and spirit
I welcome you to this sacred space.
As the veil thins, draw near to me,
Share your wisdom and love with grace.
Amanda Brethauer – The Peculiar Brunette
Feel the presence of your ancestors around you as you sit quietly. Share your thoughts, memories, and gratitude with them. Listen for any messages or insights they may have for you.
If you have offerings for your ancestors (such as food, drink, or gifts), place them on the altar as a gesture of respect and gratitude.
Close the Ritual
When you are finished, thank your ancestors for their presence and guidance. Blow out the candle, symbolizing the closing of the doorway between the physical and spiritual world. Take a few moments to ground yourself and imagine your spiritual energy returning to your physical body.
Express your gratitude to your ancestors by saying:
My gratitude to my ancestors and spirits so wise,
In your company, no secrets to hide,
Your love and guidance, a blessing so bright,
As I quench this flame, I embrace your light
Amanda Brethauer – The Peculiar Brunette
Allow the candle to remain on your altar or in a safe place throughout the Samhain season. You can revisit this ritual as often as you like, deepening your connection with your ancestors and the spiritual energies of Samhain.
Create a Corn Doll
Creating a corn dolly is such a fun way to celebrate Samhain. Corn dollies are traditionally crafted from the last sheaves of grain harvested during the season. It’s great to do with kids or friends and is a terrific way to immerse yourself in the season. Here’s an excellent tutorial by Sally Pointer.
You can also visit a local farm or corn maze, take a hayride to a pumpkin patch, and eat freshly made donuts or apple cider.
For those with children, dressing up in costumes is one of the season’s more popular aspects. However, do you know the history of Trick-or-treating (other than the Soul Cakes listed above)?
During ancient Celtic festivities, locals dressed up in animal-skin costumes to ward off evil spirits. Food was placed outside to satisfy troublesome spirits.
In later centuries, people began dressing as ghosts, demons, and other malevolent creatures, performing antics in exchange for food and drink. This custom, known as mumming, dates back to the Middle Ages and is thought to be an antecedent of trick-or-treating. – Halloween Trick or Treating Origins
Samhain Tarot Spread for Shadow Work
Many spiritual practitioners prefer to do a tarot reading during Samhain! Here’s a spread idea to help get you started.
- Card 1: (Represents your Shadow)
- What aspect of my shadow self should I focus on during Samhain?
- Card 2: (Recognize)
- How can I acknowledge and accept my shadow without judgment?
- Card 3: (Transformation)
- What steps can I take to transform and heal this part of myself?
- Card 4: (Release)
- What do I need to let go of to embrace this transformation?
- Card 5: (Integration)
- How can I integrate the shadow work lessons l learned into my daily life?
I hope you found this article about Samhain 2024 helpful! Lots of love to you, and remember, as always…
Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications. 1 October 1985.
“The Book of Celtic Myths.” Adams Media, a division of F + W Media, Inc. 2017