Mabon Magic: How to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox in 2024

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Autumn Equinox 2024 marks the beginning of the crisp fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a spiritual moment of balance, where day and night are equal. It’s a time for reflection and honoring Nature’s seasonal shifts.

Known as Mabon in Wiccan traditions, this day celebrates the transition from Summer to Autumn. During Mabon, we honor the harvest, cycles of growth and renewal and the abundance Nature gives us. Our rituals reflect these spiritual meanings. I’m wishing you a blessed Mabon! Remember, the season of the witch is close at hand!

Many Pagans, Witches, and those interested in Nature Spirituality celebrate the seasonal cycles. Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year, it consists of eight celebrations. Four of these festivals (ImbolcBeltaneLughnasadh, and Samhain) are rooted in Celtic history and origins.

The other four (Spring EquinoxSummer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice) represent the sun’s location. I created a complete guide to each season, including history, traditions, symbols, correspondences, ritual ideas, and how you can celebrate.

Please note that I make every effort to ensure this information is correct and accurate based on my own experiences and referencing sources throughout this article.

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When is the Autumnal Equinox in 2024?

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22nd, 2024, in the Northern Hemisphere. In Latin, the word equinox translates to equal night. In Wicca, Mabon is the second of the three harvest festivals, along with Lughnasadh and Samhain.

What is Mabon and the Autumn Equinox?

The Autumn Equinox, known as Mabon in Wiccan traditions, represents a moment of balance when the day and night are equal in length. However, this balance is fleeting because Winter’s longer nights and colder days will soon arrive.

Mabon (pronounced Mah-bon) represents this brief moment when light and darkness harmonize before cold winter days arrive. It’s important to pause and reflect on the abundance in our lives. 

Wiccans typically celebrate Mabon, although it is not exclusive to their practice. Many Pagans, witches, or spiritual practitioners simply celebrate the Autumn Equinox with rituals of gratitude, harvest feasts, and preparing for the coming winter.

What is Mabon and the Autumn Equinox? Human hold autumn leaf up to the sunlight.

What’s the Difference between Mabon and the Autumn Equinox?

Contrary to popular belief, the name Mabon isn’t thousands of years old. Wiccan author Aidan Kelly popularized it in the 1970s.

He believed the solstice and equinox holidays should also have names like the ancient Celtic fire festivals (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh). Aidan Kelly researched many Greek, Hebrew, and Germanic myths, looking for possible names they may have used to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, eventually deciding on the Welsh story of Mabon.

so I picked “Mabon” as the name for the holiday in my calender. It was not an arbitrary choice.

Aidan Kelly – About Naming Ostara, Litha, and Mabon

However, historians do not believe ancient Pagans celebrated the equinoxes and solstices like we do today. For example, the ancient people who built Stonehenge worshipped the sun and tracked its movements, but they unlikely celebrated the Autumn Equinox.

Britannica further elaborates on the history of the deity Mabon:

He [Maponos] appears in medieval Welsh literature as Mabon, son of Modron (that is, of Matrona, “Divine Mother”), and he evidently figured in a myth of the infant god carried off from his mother when three nights old. His name survives in Arthurian romance under the forms Mabon, Mabuz, and Mabonagrain…

…He was the son of Dagda (or Daghda), chief god of the Irish, and of Boann, the personified sacred river of Irish tradition.

Britannica – Celtic Religion
Whats the Difference between Mabon and the Autumn Equinox? Female witch next to her autumn harvest ritual.

What’s the Difference between Mabon and Samhain?

Mabon is often confused with Samhain since they both occur in the fall season.

However, the two are quite different. Mabon celebrates the summer harvest season and gives gratitude for the earth’s bounty.

However, Samhain marks the beginning of the darker half of the year. It honors the dead and acknowledges the thinning of the veil between worlds.

Whats the Difference between Mabon and Samhain

Autumn Equinox 2024 Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of the Autumn Equinox reminds us of the different phases of our lives and allows us to reflect on the lovely moments and challenges we’ve faced. These spiritual journeys help us grow (even if we don’t always enjoy the process).

Just like Nature, the seasons of our lives change. If you are struggling right now, rest and find joy where you can during this beautiful season. If you’re in a better mental place, take some time to reflect on your past struggles and how you can learn from them. 

Mabon is sometimes referred to as the Witches’ Thanksgiving because it represents the second harvest. Many celebrations honor the coming of the dark or an abundant harvest, but none are quite alike.

Many Pagans (not all) celebrate the Autumn Equinox, Druids celebrate Alban Elfed, Norse Pagans (Heathens) celebrate Winter Finding, Celtic Pagans celebrate the Feast of Avalon, and Hellenic Pagans celebrate Boedromion.

Mabon Correspondences

Here are some Autumn Equinox and Mabon correspondences to help you with spells, rituals, celebrations, or altar ideas!

Mabon Spiritual Intentions

  • Shadow Work
  • Gratitude
  • Home protection
  • Balance
  • Family and loved ones
  • Sharing
  • Accomplishments
  • Preparations and goal-setting
  • Abundance
  • Harvesting and agriculture
  • Transitions

Mabon Colors

  • Dark brown
  • Burnt orange
  • Deep green
  • Dark red
  • Golden yellow
  • Earth tones

Autumn Equinox Botanicals

  • Bay Laurel
  • Sage
  • Yarrow
  • Cinnamon
  • Rose Hips
  • Sunflowers
  • Ash
  • Oak
  • Maple

Mabon Recipe and Food Ideas

  • Pumpkin
  • Wheat / Bread
  • Apples
  • Corn
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Acorns / Nuts
  • Root veggies
  • Stew or chili

Crystals, Stones, and Metals

  • Aventurine (growth, prosperity, and spiritual renewal)
  • Citrine (radiates solar energy of happiness and empowerment)
  • Quartz (spiritual growth)
  • Ruby (passion)
  • Tiger’s Eye (protection)
  • Gold (financial prosperity)
  • Amber (fossilized resin, so it has a solid connection to nature and the earth)

Animals Associated with Mabon

  • Stag
  • Owl
  • Blackbird
  • Squirrels
  • Salmon

Mabon Symbols

  • Hay
  • Leaves
  • Cornucopia
  • Scarecrows
  • Pinecones

Autumn Incense, Candles, and Scents

  • Apple
  • Clove
  • Cinnamon
  • Pumpkin

Autumn Equinox Celebration and Ritual Ideas

Rituals and celebrations during Mabon and the Autumn Equinox often include gratitude for the food Nature has provided. This can include large Harvest Feasts similar to Thanksgiving without the contentious history.

Remember, the beauty of pagan, witchcraft, and spiritual practices is they can be tailored to your personal beliefs and preferences. Feel free to get creative and experiment with these suggestions to create a meaningful Mabon celebration that resonates with you.

Include the Five Magic Elements

Including the five magical elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit – into a Mabon ritual or celebration can enhance the depth and symbolism in your practice. Here are some creative ways to weave these elements into your Mabon 2024 observance:


Mabon is a time of harvest, so connecting with the Earth element is particularly fitting. Create an altar using items like colorful autumn leaves, acorns, pumpkins, or a small bowl of harvested fruits and vegetables. Incorporate stones and crystals like amber, citrine, or garnet to symbolize the Earth element’s stability and grounding energies.


Light candles in red, orange, and yellow shades to honor the Fire element’s transformative energies. Have an evening bonfire as the final to your Autumn celebration; invite friends and loved ones to gather around and share stories as the flames dance.


The fifth element, Spirit, can be honored by setting an intention or dedicating a portion of your ritual to acknowledging the spiritual significance of Mabon. This is a time for reflection, so consider meditating on your spiritual connection with the world around you, including the changing seasons.


Incorporate the Air element using fragrant herbs associated with autumn, such as clove, pumpkin rosemary, or cinnamon. Try placing feathers or incense on your altar. As you light the incense, visualize the scent carrying your intentions and blessings out your window, into the breeze, and straight to the Universe.


Create a sacred water bowl or chalice on your altar, representing the element Water. Infuse water with herbs, petals, or crystals and charge it with your intentions. This water can be used for purification or as a symbol of emotional healing. Try using this later in a Full Moon Ritual or create Moon Water with it.

Ritual Idea

Craft a ritual involving all five elements. For example, start by lighting a candle to represent Fire and speak your ritual intentions into the flame. Then, pass a feather to symbolize Air over (not in) the flame to carry your intentions into the Universe. Sprinkle a bit of salt or herbs representing Earth into a bowl of Water and stir it clockwise to create a sacred saltwater mixture. Use it to cleanse your sacred space.

Include the Five Magic Elements

Plant Flower Bulbs

This is one of my favorite simple autumn rituals because daffodils and tulips bring me so much joy in Spring. Autumn is the perfect time to prep the garden for Spring while accepting that Summer is ending.

I can sometimes get a little sad, but this ritual helps remind me that the flowers will bloom again as the Wheel of the Year turns. I also like to write down a wish or intention on a piece of paper and plant it with the bulb. Then watch as it blooms with the Spring season!

Mabon 2024 Journal Prompts

Taking time to slow down and work with your Grimoire or Wiccan Book of Shadows helps you deepen your connection to the season, enhance your spiritual practice, and provide a space for reflection and intention-setting.

Journal prompts can help you explore the deeper meanings of Mabon and encourage a thoughtful and introspective experience during your ritual or celebration.

Where in your life are you called to create a sacred space (physically, spiritually, and emotionally)?

Reflect on the concept of balance in your life. How can you bring greater stability to different areas of your life during this season?

Where do you find your rhythm in the dance between giving and receiving?

Make a list of fun Autumn activities to awaken your inner child. How can you enjoy the Autumn magick during this season? Try to engage all five senses!

Describe a favorite autumn memory from your past. How can you infuse the energy of that memory into your Mabon celebration?

Pick one new and meaningful way to practice self-care in the coming Winter months ahead that will fill you with joy. Write about why you chose this new habit. Why is it important? What steps can you take to make sure you prioritize it?

How can you transform the lessons of this past year into spiritual nourishment for the months ahead?

How can you honor the spirits of the land during this time of harvest and transition?

What does the spiritual meaning of balance during Autumn reveal about your relationship with power and vulnerability?

Reflect on the concept of letting go. What beliefs, habits, or situations no longer serve you and can be released during this season?

What can you do to honor and respect the coming darkness? Consider the concept of “darkness” as a source of mystery and transformation. How can you embrace this unknown metaphorical darkness for personal growth?

How do you create sacred purpose in the mundane tasks of preparing for the colder months ahead?

Imagine yourself as a tree shedding leaves in preparation for winter. What aspects of your life would you willingly let go of, allowing new growth to come in spring? (Consider doing a cord-cutting ritual aligning with this prompt)

Sigil Magic

As Winter approaches, it’s an excellent time to look for ways to protect your home and yourself. Try crafting your own protection sigil to place on your home or altar.

A sigil is a symbol created by you that connects with your subconscious mind to achieve your goals and magical purposes. Sigil magic allows you to focus and clarify your specific intentions.

Create a sigil summarizing your specific intentions for your Mabon ritual or celebration. This could be related to gratitude, balance, harvest, or any other theme that resonates with you. Make a sigil by combining meaningful witch symbols, letters, numbers, or elements representing your intention. Charge and activate the sigil to infuse it with your energy and purpose.


Dedicate a specific portion of your Mabon ritual celebration to divination. Light candles, cleanse your divination tools, and create a sacred space. Center yourself, raise your vibration, set your intention, and then perform the divination technique of your choice. Record your insights in a journal or grimoire for future reference.

Here are a few divination ideas to get you started:

Candle Magic

Candles are a wonderful practice to incorporate any spiritual celebration or holiday. They’re also useful tools for divination. Using candle magic to represent or symbolize your intentions is a simple but powerful ritual.

Place candles around your home to encourage positive energy, or use them in rituals, spiritual intentions, or spells to enhance and spread your magical power.

Try lighting a candle during your Mabon ritual and focus on its flame. As you meditate, pose your question or intention and observe the flame’s behavior.

SIMPLE CANDLE MAGIC | Beginner Basics and Types of Candles

I highly recommend checking out my YouTube video and Candle Magic Playlist if you’d like to learn more about Candle Magic!


What better way to celebrate a harvest festival than by giving back to those who need it most? Such a great way to include your children and practice gratitude!

Giving back and donating to those in need amplifies the spirit of gratitude and connectedness that defines the autumn season. These kind gestures enhance your spiritual practice and contribute to the well-being of the larger community, fostering a sense of unity and shared abundance.

Harvest Blessing Baskets

If you have a friend or family member who’s been going through hard times, try creating a harvest blessing basket for them. Fill it with fresh fruit, veggies, or non-perishable food items representing the bountiful harvest. Write them a letter or note telling them how grateful you are for them.

Share Your Skills

Consider hosting a workshop or class as part of your Mabon celebration. Teach a skill or offer your expertise to others. Instead of charging a fee, encourage participants to donate to a charity of their choice in exchange for your guidance.

Financial Donations

Take some time to reflect on the financial blessings you’ve received this year. Set aside an amount you’re comfortable donating to a charitable cause. As you offer your donation, infuse it with your intentions for abundance and assistance for others.

Random Acts of Kindness

Take some time to perform random acts of kindness during the season of Autumn. As part of your celebration, create a list of kind deeds you can carry out over the following weeks. These acts could include leaving uplifting notes in public spaces, paying for someone’s meal, or helping a neighbor with a task.

Stay in bed

Since the sun takes longer to rise each Autumn morning, follow its lead and allow yourself to wake up naturally. Bring the comforts of the season to your bed by enjoying a cup of warm coffee or herbal tea associated with autumn flavors, such as cinnamon, apple, or chamomile. As you sip, let the soothing drink symbolize the nurturing energies of Mabon.

If your loved ones are awake, chat in bed and discuss your plans for the day (or you can be like my husband and me and ask each other philosophical questions).

Dedicate your time in bed to a self-care ritual and incorporate relaxation techniques. Light soothing scented candles, play calming music, and indulge in activities like gentle stretching, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or reading an autumn-inspired book.

Photo of my Cat Oz on an Autumn Day
Photo of my Cat Oz on an Autumn Day

Autumn Feast

What’s a celebration without a feast? Food is a wonderful way to celebrate the harvest season and connect with the energies of abundance, gratitude, and community.

As a matter of fact, many believe Mabon to be a kind of Witches’ Thanksgiving after a bountiful summer harvest. Popular feast ideas include freshly baked bread (I love to put herbs from my garden in mine), mulled wine, potatoes, pumpkin, veggies, nuts, and any comfort food.

Here are two creative ways to include a feast in your Mabon observance:

Communal Potluck

Organize a communal potluck with friends, family, or fellow spiritual practitioners. Encourage them to bring a dish that holds personal meaning to them or aligns with the themes of Mabon.

Before you start eating, take a few moments to appreciate the food’s colors, textures, and aromas. Raise your glass in a toast of gratitude before the feast. Acknowledge the blessings of the harvest, the changing seasons, and the company of those sharing the meal.

Each participant can take turns expressing their own words of thanks. As you savor each bite, reflect on the journey from seed to plate and the efforts of many who brought the meal to fruition.

Offerings to Deities

Set up a portion of your feast as offerings to deities or spirits you work with. Prepare a plate of food, wine, or other offering to symbolize your gratitude and respect. During the ritual, invite these energies to join you in celebrating the harvest and the turning of the season.

By incorporating a feast into your Mabon ritual, you’re embracing the opportunity to nourish your body, spirit, and connections with loved ones. Whether you’re enjoying a simple meal or a more elaborate one, the act of feasting during this season highlights your gratitude and the abundance of Mabon and the Autumn season.

Keep it Local!

Many witches and spiritual practitioners commit to shopping locally and as eco-friendly as possible. This helps align with themes of sustainability, community support, and honoring the Earth’s resources. (Remember, this is only if you have the privilege to choose where your food comes from. Please do not feel guilty if you cannot do this; there’s no wrong way to celebrate Autumn).

Stop by a local farmers market, orchard, or produce stand and make (or purchase) a home-baked treat. You could also check out any local U-pick farms and go apple picking! It’s a great way to start some new traditions!

When decorating your altar, try including items with minimal environmental impact. Use natural materials like leaves, pinecones, and acorns, or opt for reusable decorations you can use in future rituals. If possible, seek out local artisans who prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. This will support your local economy and promote conscious consumption.

I hope you enjoy your Autumn Equinox and Mabon 2024! Lots of love to you, and remember, as always…

Stay Peculiar Black Transparent


Dillon, Myles and Cana, Proinsias Mac. “Celtic religion”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 Feb. 2016,

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